
We went to Solitude this morning for a day of skiing.

Eli was very excited and nervous.

We went to and had a wonderful day of skiing. Eli was enrolled in his first skiing lesson.

With his ski group.

Waiting for the ski lift. It’s a conveyor belt, like an escalator in the snow.

My little skier!

Paul and I waited for Eli and his group to come down the mountain. It was a beautiful day for skiing.



After skiing we went to the Porcupine Grill for a vegetarian burger. One of the best vegetarian burgers in the valley.

On the way home. Look at all that snow.

Eli schooling

Eli is doing fantastic with his studies at home and at school.  We had to move him to a new school, because he was acting out in class with his old school.  I asked over and over to move him up a grade and they wouldn’t because of that birthday cut off date.   He missed it by a month!  So we moved him to a private Catholic preschool.  He is doing very well at this school and is excelling with reading!  The school actually moves him to the kindergarten class for reading and then moves him back down for the rest of the day.  His teachers say he is in the top of the class with reading.  I’m so pleased with him!

At home we are working on addition.


And completing sentences.  For some reason I didn’t have a picture of his completed page.  But, I assure you it was done! 🙂



Happy Valentines Day

Valentines Day!

We have to make Valentine cookies for Valentine day!

This year we gave each other cards.

Eli made his cards.  He made one for Mormor and Morfar as well.

Paul gave me these beautiful flowers.  I absolutely love them!

Chocolate raspberry crepes for dinner!  

We had loads of raspberries, but the last one, not so much 🙂

The faith of a child

This morning the garage door wouldn’t open.   Trouble shooting, we found a broken spring.

Paul worked pretty hard at trying to open the garage door so we could leave for school.  As Paul was getting wood boards, to help with leverage to pry the door open, Eli told Paul he needed Heavenly Fathers help with this!

He ran the other side of the garage and said his little prayer, asking for help to open the door.  As soon as his prayer was done, Paul was able to lift the garage enough to get the boards under the door and the door up.

Eli was ecstatic and ran inside to tell me that Heavenly Father helped Dad open the garage door!

With $400 new springs.

A guy to install them.

The faith of a little four year old.

We were able to get the door open.

We are so happy Eli knows he can ask Heavenly Father for help!

All A Dollar Graduation

I have had a hard time trying to find preschool curriculum to teach Eli.  I called the state of Utah and they said they wouldn’t give curriculum out and I can’t pay for any and told me to wait until he is kindergarten.  I contacted the public school district in our area and they wouldn’t give me anything either.  One private school said they would send me some information, but wouldn’t until Eli was a few years older.  I’m tempted to contact that school again in a few months and lie about his age just to get some materials.

Searching the internet and pinterest I printed a few worksheets, and created a few of my own.  That has worked, but I need a book to teach him from.

One day I was at All A Dollar for something and came across educational workbooks.  I purchased all the preschool books I could find.  We have been using them for several months now.

Today, Eli went through his lessons and did all of them quickly and without any help.  He has officially graduated from preschool.  Well, All A Dollar preschool 🙂

I went to All A Dollar today and picked up kindergarten books.  Here are a few of the books I picked up.

I’m excited to get started on these!

Ice Castles

We went for an afternoon drive to Dairy Keen for lunch and then to Midway to see the Ice Castles.  So much fun!

So many tunnels and pathways to explore.

Ice Everywhere!

Including several ice slides.

Coming out of the slide.

Eli had a lot of fun exploring.

There was a double ice slide that was really fun.  We may have gone down it 30 times.

The end of the tunnel.

Lots of icicles, but it is an ice castle 🙂

After the ice castles we went to dinner for a crepe and ice cream at one of the local restaurants.  Eli was till hungry so we went BACK to Dairy Keen for a second dinner.  My boy eats more than the both of us and he is only 4!  I don’t want to see our grocery bill when he is 10!


I found this in my pantry today.

A tennis ball.  I asked Eli what it was doing in there.  He said he put it there for when Heavenly Father brings Charlie back, he will have a toy to play with.

My mama heart melted and I had to push back tears.  I have such a sweet boy!

Over his short life he has had many names: Mr., Charlie, Charles, Chuck, Char Char, Char Char Binks.

We sure miss Charlie.


Little bird at soccer

Eli had another great day playing soccer.  He scored another goal.  Again, he didn’t know he scored a goal, but he kicked the ball down the field and made it into the net!  No video of course 🙂

But we did get video of the little bird.   This kid on the opposite team would come over and open his mouth like a little bird and his father would put a gummy worm in his mouth.  Mom and I couldn’t stop laughing.  This happened throughout the whole game!  I finally asked Paul to video it 🙂

Mormor comes to every game!